Thursday, July 19, 2007

Another excellent job title

As previously described, in my real life I do some computer related work. Some times I get an email that is almost too strange. I thank Oracle for finally making me laugh in a non-spiteful way...

This e-mail contains priority desupport information and is being sent to MetaLink users as a service from Obsolescence (desupport services).

The following desupport advisories & notices have been updated and published for your information:
- Oracle 10g Platform Strategy

Please review MetaLink Doc ID: 443472.1 for further details on the above.
MetaLink Location:

All desupport advisories and notices are available in Certify (via MetaLink) by following this path:
"Certify"==>"1. View Certifications by Product"==>"Desupport Notices".

Thank you!
Obsolescence Administrator
I so want to be the Obsolescence Administrator.


Spiros said...

You know me: you have heard me expatiate (ad nauseum) upon my abhorence at the otiosity of such ghastly neo-logisms as "commentator", "preventative", and "wellness", when such perfectly useful terms as "commentor", "preventive", and "wellbeing (or, beter yet, "health")" are extant in our collective wordhoard. That being said, I thank you for introducing me to the adjective (and presumably verb) "unsupport". My life is so much the richer for it.

Spiros said...

Just like me to get it wrong...
For the word "unsupport" in my previous comment, please substitute "desupport", which I will now procede to use in a sentence: The word "unsupport" has earned my scornful desupport, in favor of the far more euphonious coinage "desupport".