Monday, October 8, 2007


I am going to make this quick, as there is another longer post about the movement against science and rationalism in the editor. This is so excessively stupid, that I must rid my mind of it.

The head of Science at the London University's Institute of Education said the following:
"I am not convinced that something being 'non-scientific' is sufficient to disqualify it from being considered in a science lesson."
This is fucking flat out stupid and wrong. This is flat earth blathering nonsense. This is making my head hurt.

Oh but wait, there's more!
"The days have long gone when science teachers could ignore creationism when teaching about origins," he said.

Instead, they should tackle the issue head-on but in a way that does not alienate students, he argues in the book, Teaching About Scientific Origins: Taking Account of Creationism.

It will come as no surprise to anybody that the speaker (Professor Michael Reiss) happens also to be a priest.

Let me make this short and sweet. There are many groups to the left and to the right who want to use the rubric of Science without the responsibility that goes with it. This is not how Science works. If you want to sit at the grown up table, you right fucking have to play by the rules.

More later.

1 comment:

Spiros said...

I realize that most of the Fundimentalist balderdash that has plagued political and cultural discourse in this country since, well, this was a country had its font and origin in Blighty...but really! I thought the Brits had moved beyond the sheer driveling and piffling stage embodied by Cretinism (I left a few letters out of a well known pseudo-scientific construct...accidentally, I assure you). Consider me disllusioned.