Saturday, February 13, 2010

Free Lunch

There are so many other importaint things to write about than what I am about to partake in, but my willingness to dig deep is curtailed by my tiredness.  I have work to do as well but it involves something called eigenspaces which might give you some idea as to why I am strolling along complaining to the internets...

So my Esteemed Employer, like so many other establishments, will be moving it's email infrastructure to Google.  This is not unusual and represents a growing trend for IT departments within buisness, education and government who are facing huge budget cuts and growing expectations for service and features. 

All I ask for people is to think for a moment - what will Google really get from this?  Ultimately they are a corporation driven by their shareholders desire of maximizing stock value and profitability.   "There is no such thing as a free lunch" a grumpy old Econ teacher used to say and I am wondering where this will ultimately come to rest.

Mrs. set.element has completed another day of study so perhaps we might enjoy a spot of wine.

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